About us (English)

About us (English)
Always welcome
Are you looking for a Touch Rugby Team in Cologne? Come and join us!

We are a mixed group playing Touch Rugby in Cologne, including regular training sessions, social touch, national and international tournaments and fun games.
There are many tournaments each season. Above all, there is the German Championship, which is contested by all Touch teams in Germany. We also have close contact with, for example, the teams in the Benelux countries. And as international highlights there are the “European Touch Championships” every two years and the “Touch World Cup” every four years. Players from Germany have participated in these tournaments now for many years.
Of course, there are many other tournaments both in Germany and abroad, where the focus is purely on fun. For example, the legendary “Pudelmützen (pompom hat) Cup” here in Cologne, that traditionally takes place in January.
Tracking Time
Mondays 7pm on the TuS grounds.

Wednesday 6:30pm on the TuS grounds.

On Sundays, we meet at 12 for Social Touch close to the university canteen on the Uniwiesen.
Want to know more?
Then simply come along and join us! If you have any question, ask Christina:

Finally... visit us on facebook!
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